Mensch denkt und Gott lenkt

Plans delayed

We have a 91 year old friend who was a 9 year old girl in Germany when WWII broke out. She has seen and lived things we are fortunately unable to even imagine but one of the things she often says is a German expression, “mensch denkt und Gott lenkt” which she translates as “people plan, God laughs”. It is sometimes paraphrased into English as “man proposes, God disposes” but the point is we don’t control too very much. Part of the Camino experience is supposed to be the reminder not to plan too much.

Most of us don’t like surprises and planning can help minimize them but it can also foster the illusion we have control. Sometimes for me It is a powerful illusion, but an illusion all the same. Life reminds of frequently; we do not have much control.

For months Camille and I have been planning a trip to ride bicycle in the French Alps with some friends and then start our Camino September 13th… Gott lenkt.

Just prior to our departure a wonderful man named Max Gonzenbach entered hospice. He was a leader in business and the community but more importantly a kind and humble man who cared for and about so many others. Some time ago he asked if I would do his funeral since he “presumed” I would outlive him. That part seems to have worked out according to plan but our dear friend passed away just after we left for Europe. So, now we return to honor our friend and his faith.

The Camino we were planning (denkt) for the 13th is delayed to the 18th but we see this as all part of the journey and we continue it together. We are reminded in all this that the camino of our life is not just as individuals or a couple, but a family, and friends and a promise that in all things God is working for the good as well, even and maybe especially in the surprises (Rom. 8:28) The promise we cling to is that the final surprise is a big one and “Gott” will have the last “lenkt”.

One response to “Mensch denkt und Gott lenkt”

  1. The long and winding road ….

    Today was a good day to read your words & be reminded that we can encounter so many blessings when we occasionally leave the plan & the path!

    I’m praying for your experience and your feet!!